
Everything DiSC® Certification

Wiley Publishing offers 2-day Everything DiSC® Certification Classes at the Minneapolis Marriott City Center in Minneapolis, MN.

Call (770) 696-3369 for more information and to register for an Official Everything DiSC® Certification Program.


The Everything DiSC® Trainer Certification has been designed for those who wish Official Certification for Everything DiSC® within their organizations. You will get hands-on experience with the all of Everything DiSC® Profiles. You will learn how to customize the materials in the Facilitation Kit selected.

The $2,495 fee includes 2 days of training in Minneapolis, class materials, Workplace profile, practical exam, continental breakfast, and lunch both days.

Please call us at (770) 696-3369 so we can personally register you in this Official Everything DiSC® Certification Program.

Also, must own of one of the Everything DiSC® Facilitation Kits*.
Everything DiSC® Workplace Everything DiSC® Management
Everything DiSC® Sales Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders

Are you ready to learn more or get Certified with the Everything DiSC® experts?

Call us NOW at (770) 696-3369 for personal registration.

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